Fire Effects Using the Mesh Fill Tool in CorelDRAW
This trick is actually very simple, depending on the imagination in a drawing to produce a near-perfect effect fire.
This time we draw by using Features Mesh Fill Tool (M) ~ M in brackets it means to press M on the keyboard we were directed to the feature / menu this ~
Steps were as follows;
Create a box with the Rectangle tool (F6)

Make a sketch of the fire by using the Freehand tool (F5) or Bezier tool, if there are schools that do not see here?! .....

Object boxes are colored black, and white colors give the fire object and delete the outline of his (right-click the sidelines with a cross (X) in the Color Palette.

Select the Mesh Fill tool (M), the Grid type size W = 30, H = 30, the larger the type, the more sampeyan grids are created, and try to learn what the menu on the Property Bar to feature Mesh Fill tool, there is no Transparency ... etc. ... etc. ..

Give red yellow black color should fire on node2 that existed at the intersection of the grid and will natinya spectrum created from the combination of the color, then slide the node according to your imagination.

To add Grid, click on the vertical or horizontal lines, and then click Add intersection or press + on numpad, it will create a new grid.

And do not forget the edge nodes that match the color with the background color, or the latest version of CorelDRAW is no facility on the Property Bar transparent, change the value from 0 to 100

The result will be as shown below, the result will be close to perfect. finished ... good luck ..

Although this tutorial is simple, create a picture that is somewhat difficult
This trick is actually very simple, depending on the imagination in a drawing to produce a near-perfect effect fire.
This time we draw by using Features Mesh Fill Tool (M) ~ M in brackets it means to press M on the keyboard we were directed to the feature / menu this ~
Steps were as follows;
Create a box with the Rectangle tool (F6)

Make a sketch of the fire by using the Freehand tool (F5) or Bezier tool, if there are schools that do not see here?! .....

Object boxes are colored black, and white colors give the fire object and delete the outline of his (right-click the sidelines with a cross (X) in the Color Palette.

Select the Mesh Fill tool (M), the Grid type size W = 30, H = 30, the larger the type, the more sampeyan grids are created, and try to learn what the menu on the Property Bar to feature Mesh Fill tool, there is no Transparency ... etc. ... etc. ..

Give red yellow black color should fire on node2 that existed at the intersection of the grid and will natinya spectrum created from the combination of the color, then slide the node according to your imagination.

To add Grid, click on the vertical or horizontal lines, and then click Add intersection or press + on numpad, it will create a new grid.

And do not forget the edge nodes that match the color with the background color, or the latest version of CorelDRAW is no facility on the Property Bar transparent, change the value from 0 to 100

The result will be as shown below, the result will be close to perfect. finished ... good luck ..

Although this tutorial is simple, create a picture that is somewhat difficult