3Ds Max Tutorial | Making a Pencil

Making a Pencil

At this time 3dsmax tutorial we will learn how to How to create a 3-D pencil with 3dsmax? Draw a simple object such as a pencil and others can help us understand how to use 3dsmax applications. The following tutorial How to make it:
Pencil 3 Dimensions

1 First we will set the size of the first. We will use the standard size in centimeters. How: Click Customize menu> Units Setup.

2 Click the Metric and change the combo box into Centimeters choice.

3 Click the System Unit Setup.

4 Select the Centimeters and click the OK button.

5. Next we will start making the base object pencil. We will be using basic objects are objects Cylinder. Click the Create> Geometry> Standard Primitives> Cylinder.

6 Create an object in the viewport Left (as shown in the picture).

7 Open the Modify tab.

8 Set the parameters as shown below.

9 The result will appear in the following figure.

10 Move your mouse over a Perspective article in the Perspective viewport and right click, and then click the option edged Faces.

11.You will find objects appear to have lines forming that will help us in further editing.

12. Right click Cylinder  posts like instructions shown below and click Editable Poly option.

13. So posts will turn into writing Cylinder Editable Poly. Open the plus sign next to the posts Editable Poly. Click the Vertex option.

14. Select Vertex-vertex as shown in the figure below.

15. Click the Collapse button. This feature serves to unify the vertex-vertex we choose.

16. Then click Edge option as shown below.

17. Select the edge as shown below.

18. Click the Connect button. This feature serves to add (connect) the new line that we want to add to our 3D objects.

19. result we will have the addition of a new line, as shown in the figure below.

20 Then click the Polygon option.

21. Then we select the front side, as shown below.

22. on keyboard Press M to open the Material Editor.

23. Select black color on the box marked Diffuse side.

24. Then press the Assign Material to Selection button as shown. We can provide color to other parts of the object pencil.

25 The result looks like in the picture.

The results of the final-tampering manufacturing pencils with 3dsmax our studio, something like a pencil drawing below

Pencil 3 Dimensions