CorelDraw Tutorial | Set the Page Layout

Set the Page Layout

Setting the page layout should be noted that the page will sampeyan use in accordance with the magnitude of the object to be created. The page layout includes: paper size, position papers and much more related to the work yard. To set the page layout  use the Layout menu> select Page Setup dialog box options that appear as shown below:

Then the setting in accordance with your wishes

Rework Page (Page)
Status page (Document Navigator) serves to provide information tertang number of pages and the position of the current page. Command on the Status Page is to right click on the selected page. consider the image below:

To add to the page click the (+) Add Page so that a new page will appear with the name Page 1 consider the image below:

Page Rename: Change the name of the page in a single file, example: Click Pages (current page) Page 1 and suppose Right click> select Rename Page dialog box will appear and fill the page name eg the word 'ab' in the box Page name and Select Ok then Page 1 will change 1: ab

Insert Page After: Adding a new page and insert the right side of the current page in a single file. Add page how: Right-click and select Insert Page 1 Page After, another way, Click the + sign to the left of Page 1 and Page 2 will be active and so on.

Insert Page Before: Adding and insert a new page on the left of the current page in a single file. Inserting page how: Suppose will insert a page between Page 2 and Page 3, which already change her into a Rename Page Page 2 is 2: abc and Page 3 is 3: abcd, 3 Right-click the step is: abcd and Select 'Insert Page before 'and the page will change to 2: abc / page 3/4: abcd

Duplicate Page: to duplicate the page

Delete Page: Deleting pages in one file how Click Pages (current page) and let Page 2 Right-click and select Delete Page.

Switch Page Orientation: Changing forms Printable Area of Landscape Portrait becoming vice versa.

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