Return friend who asked. It feels happiness when there is knowledge we have can be useful for others. Consider the following image below:

Sections were circled in red is the best friend a question. How to make it?

Let us learn pemggunaan Interactive Blend Tool (IBT).
IBT is a tool that is used to make some objects repetition, color or vector. The following image will explain it.

A form will be repeated several times to form B. It could be. In this case demonstrated choesny make hair / shading. A trick for the object, and double slide in such a way. Click the image A or B and then click IBT. Click and drag the mouse to the direction of the destination. so that repetition occurs.

We are free to enter the value for the number of repetitions. Note Properties on the IBT. The problem is what if repetition is varied, not straight, for example.
First we create a curve that functioned as a Path / rail. Click the object that we already Blend, click on Properties> New Path and point to the Path / Rail that we created earlier. Next you need to set the object to fit the desires and designs are made.

Blend Tool to follow the Path / Rel which we created earlier.