You can visualize the 3ds max scene in Vizard without interactive features (it allows you to move and navigate the model only) or you can use the Architecture Interactive (AI) application to use Vizard with interactivity.

1.   Some considerations before exporting include the following:

  • Use the Export Selected command to export only the objects that are relevant in your 3DS Max scene. The objects can be exported from separate layers if used with the Architecture Interactive,
  • Optimize your scene creating no more than 5000 separate objects at a time in the screen. The following are methods for optimization:
  • Convert an object into an Editable Poly; use the Optimize modifier to reduce the vertices and faces count of the objects. Check on: Preserve Material Boundaries, and Preserve Smooth Boundaries.
  • If your object already has material textures you can also use the ProOptimizer modifier (after becoming an Editble Poly): specify the Optimization Level (no less than 15%), in the Optimization Options, select Protect Borders, in Materials and UV’s select Keep Material Boundaries, Keep Textures, and Keep UV Boundaries. Test the effect of the ProOptimizer by rendering the object and adjusting the optimization level.
  • Another way to reduce the load of the scene is to merge two objects into one; these must also be Editable Poly’s. You can use the Attach command inside the EditPoly command (Modify panel) to join two objects of the same material. If you want to attach objects with different materials you will select among three options, choose “Match Material IDs to Material” to keep the materials of the different objects. These will be added into a Multi/Sub-Object material.
  • You can use the Connect command (Compound Objects in the Creation Panel). First select one object and then Pick Operand by selecting the objects to attach. Select first the objects with the same material. When you choose objects of different materials you will select an attach option (i.e. Match Material IDs to Material) that keeps the different materials in the new connected object. The different materials will be added into a new Multi/Sub-Object material.

2.   To avoid errors in Vizard fix the following common problems before exporting:

  • Prevent that there are no redundant objects in the same place. Some flickering may occur when this happens. Delete one of the objects.
  • Verify that object’s normals point to the right direction. Apply the Reset XForm to the object and then use the Normal modifier to correct the problem. Another option is to select the object, use the flip normals tool within Editable Poly.
  • Delete empty objects that lack facets. Find them by using File-Summary Info; the information will give you an account of objects lacking facets.
  • Avoid creating instances of objects that use different textures among themselves; they may not show up correctly. Make unique clones.
  • NOTE: deselect everything and save a project in 3DS Max.

1. Select the objects to Export and choose OpenSceneGraph Exporter (.osgb)

a) Output
    - Save File, Embed image data in binary files.

b) Export Objects
    - Check all of them with the exemption of Hidden Nodes and Point Helpers.

c) Geometry State
    -Check all of them with the exemption of Use Indices.
    -Select Turn Off Lighting when exporting without baking, and real-time lighting effects are needed..
    - Deselect Turn Off Lighting for baked scenes, to disable real time lighting effects.

d) Maps
    - Always include Diffuse, Self-Illumination, and Reflection maps. Other maps depend on the characteristics of the scene.

e) Material State
    - Set Self-Illumination scale to 2x if using self-illumination maps.

 f) Texture State
    - Deselect Use Original Texture Files
    - Select Allow non-power-of-two and Free image memory after load.
    - Choose Texture format tga and DXT compression for resource intensive scenes, or Image Data Format compression for regular scenes. If compresing transparent textures use format: S3TC DXT5 COMPRESSION.

 g) Optimize
    - All options are deselected h) Miscellaneous
    - Select Show Error Messages
    - Select “Convert units to: meters”

 i) OK to start the process of Exporting.