3DS Max Tutorial Basic - Tools

 3DS Max -  Tools


1. menu, contains a variety of commands and facilities to modify the model or animation that we created. The principle is similar to the existing menus on the software in general.

2. Tool Reactor , contains tools that can be used to insert objects into the collection reactor. Or by other means also we can do by pressing the Create, Helpers, reactor

3 Command Panel contains commands or parameters associated with the object that we created. For example, to determine the number of segments that exist in an object, density, mass, gravitational effects, and many others. In this manual, to modify or display the Command Panel under the so-called rollout. So we'll no longer be confused with the term rollout.

4. Viewport, an area where we work or display animation. There are six viewpoints in three-dimensional animation, ie up, down, left, right, front and rear. Based on the viewpoint, there are 8 in 3ds max viewport viewpoint, ie top, bottom, left, right, front, back, perspectift and user. Active viewport is shown in yellow on the edge of the viewport. Here is a picture of the viewport display in 3ds max.

5. Main toolbar, the 3ds max there is a tool that can be used for various purposes in manipulating objects we make. There is some play standard toolbar as shown below:

a. Undo history serves as a palette or untukl back to the previous command.
b. Redo is the opposite of undo
c. Select and link function to connect one object to another object so that there is one way or the bond between the objects.
d. Unlink selection is the opposite of the link that is to break the bond or relationship.
e. Bind to space warp is a facility that is used to connect an object with a certain effect, for example, we will connect the pale objects with the effects of water (Water).
f. Selection of filter is a facility that can be used to filter out what objects will be selected.
g. Select object digukanan to choose or select the object.
h. Select by name is used to select objects based on the object name.
i. Select and move used to select and move the position of the object.
j. Select and rotate is used to select and rotate the object we choose.
k. Select and scale used to select and change the size of the object
l. Use Center flyout used to determine the coordinate system that will affect the process of transformation.
m. Mirrors are used to reflect the doubling or object
n. Layer Manager is used to set the layer
o. Curve editor is used to adjust the curve of the object that we created
p. Material editor is the facility to provide material or texture on the object that we created
q. Render scene dialog to use to render an animation or model of the selected scene.

1 Time Slider and tools for navigation
In addition there is the main tool that can help children of our work in the viewport there are also some other parts contained in 3ds max scene we need to know, namely:

a. time Slider
Prinsipnnya together with Timeline which is on the other animation software maker, is to set the position of an object within a certain time interval indicated by the keyframe. We understand it can also function to make changes to an object animation.