3Ds Max tutorial | Advantages and Feature

Advantages and Feature 3D Animation With 3ds Max

World Progress 3D Computer Graphics Animation in particular has been growing very rapidly at this time. Has many conveniences and new features-features issued by the vendor in an attempt to lure the consumer / user with their product. It is certainly an added value for the consumer / user in exploring the idea of ​​creativity in the work.
Some of the benefits and features that can be obtained from 3ds max software are:

Advantages and Feature 1fst
Feature to create a model of organic and unorganic. Model organic can be a real life character models such as human beings, animals. And models of living things that are not real (imaginary) as monsters, fairies, and others. Unorganic models can be models inanimate objects such as machines, buildings, cars, motorcycles, furniture, and others.

In 3ds max feature that is used to make organic models using techniques generally Polygonal modeling and NURBS modeling. Polygonal modeling technique is a technique to make a model using basic geometry objects which later developed into a more complex object models. Generally wears object shape geometry box (box) which then smoothed again surface (smooth). While NURBS modeling technique is a technique to make a model wearing stripes made ​​such order was then given the desired object surface (surface form).

Model unorganic generally made ​​using modeling techniques and spline modeling Compound (can also use the technique of the Polygonal Modeling). Compound modeling technique is a technique to make a model to combine (merge, cut or take the intersection) between the geometry shape objects. While the technique is spline modeling techniques to create a model to make its 2D object shape first and then "transferred" into a 3D form by giving the thickness of the 2D object.

Advantages and Feature 2nd
Feature to provide context to the 3d character object that we have created, so that the 3D character can move like a human. There are two techniques that can be done, by the technique of Bone and Biped techniques. Bone technique is to create a bone in one by one and then the inter-linked each interconnected bones, such as the hand bone connected to the shoulder bone. While Biped technique allows us to make the bones that have been integrated into a single unified framework. So that we no longer need to link-the bones one by one.

Advantages and Feature to 3rd
Feature makes the real texture and texture a cartoon (cartoon). 3d objects created can be given a realistic texture that looks like a real, or a cartoon texture. Texture estate is providing actual texture according to the nature and characteristics of the surface of an object or objects, so that the obtained results will appear genuine and real. Featured are deployed using standard materials. While the cartoon is give texture texture like a cartoon, the color is bright and light. Featured is a material used Ink'npaint

Advantages and Feature to 4th
Feature makes the effects of fire, smoke (fire effects), fog (fog), fluorescent light (light volume), and others. These effects can be applied by using a feature effect and environment effect

Advantages and Feature to 5th
Feature makes the effects that occur when the eye / camera sees a moving object, such as the effects of motion blur and depth of field (dof). Motion blur effect is the effect of how our eyes or eye / lens camera captures images of a moving object that looks bias (blur) movement. Depth of field (dof) is the effect of what if our eyes or eye / camera lens focus to see one object, then the objects around it will definitely be out of focus (blur). Giving these effects will certainly give the impression that increasingly looks realistic

Advantages and Feature to 6th
Feature to make the effects of light, light. These effects may include sunlight, sunset, etc., which would further enrich and beautify 3d design that we created. To make it we can use the features contained in the software effects 3ds max

Advantages and Feature to 7th
Feature to create objects fur, grass, hair, and others. These objects require special application feature that is a feature Hair & Fur. With the existence of this option we will be easy to make a variety of types and styles of hair, fur or grass

Advantages and Feature to 8th
Feature to create objects cloth or clothes. Features used are Cloth Simulation. With this feature we can create a fabric or clothing with a more natural and realistic, with properties resembling clothes / fabric like in real conditions / real

Advantages and Feature to 9th
Feature to create objects of liquid / liquid. Application is intended to make the environment a lot, such as the environment (panorama) on the river, ocean, pond, and others. Just as the object of making fur, liquid objects require a degree of complexity that is very special, because it is very heavy oject "read" by a computer, especially if the liquid level of accuracy is high. Featured are used is Meta Particle and BlobMesh

Advantages and Feature to 10th
Feature to create a realistic light. Realistic visible light is light that bounces and spreads in all directions, according to the direction of the reflected object. Featured Global Illumination is used by a variety of techniques, such as the Light Tracer, Radiosity or MentalRay

Advantages and Feature to 11th
Feature Animation to create dynamics. Widely applied to create animated objects colliding / collision, collide, burst, and others. Not only can be applied to objects (object) solid / hard (rigid), tetai can also be applied to soft objects (soft), fabric (cloth), rope (rope), and other

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